The Future of Toledo Initiative hosted a grant writing professionals breakfast for the second time on October 29, 2013 at the Valentine Theatre. The core discussion regarded the whole group becoming a professional community of practice – sharing, learning, and advancing – doing more together than alone. There were several “hot” topics and cool ideas to discuss, along with progress in building grant writing capacity across the city.
The group spent time talking about their identity. Many are in support of pursuing an opportunity to become a chapter of the Grant Professionals Association (GPA). Everyone agreed that this growing group of grant writing professionals needs to have a distinctive identity.
Learn more about the GPA chapter opportunity at:
A main outcome of this Grant Writing Professionals breakfast meeting was creating a way to network and problem solve without having to meet in person. The decision was made to develop a LinkedIn group for networking between meetings; creating a way to track who is working on what projects in order to determine where to turn for help, and where to look for partners.
If you, or someone you know, are interested in joining the Grant Writing Professionals group on LinkedIn, click this link:
Another great upcoming opportunity is the City of Toledo’s entrance in the Rockefeller Foundation 100 Resilient Cities Centennial Challenge. This excerpt is from their website:
The Rockefeller Foundation launched the 100 Resilient Cities Centennial Challenge to enable 100 cities to better address the increasing shocks and stresses of the 21st century. Out of nearly 400 cities across six continents that have applied, 100 of the world’s cities will be selected to receive technical support and resources for developing and implementing plans for urban resilience over the next three years.
Additionally, the Future of Toledo Initiative is working to build an accessible database where members can post their contact and current proposals information. We will keep you updated on our progress.
To read the minutes from the first breakfast meeting held on August 27, 2013, click this link: GrantWritingProfBreakfastMinutes1303827