Getting to Work

In April and June, over 120 leaders from across the city and region met to contribute their ideas for the Future of Toledo (FoT) Initiative.  Leaders have identified four key outcomes for this initiative: collaboration, information, innovation, and transformation.  

We are utilizing a formula for transformation DxVxFxS>R (click here) to guide our process. Our first working session in June focused on DATA (note: we will hold a second repeat meeting in August 14 for those who couldn’t attend and new invitees to the team). Mayor Bell, with Jeannie Hylant and Don Harbaugh, opened the meeting.  Then, the group introduced themselves in small groups, listened to the Mayor’s Executive Staff present progress reports. Then, the leaders at the tables identified what is working and not working; the meeting ended with an evaluation. There were five themes in the discussion.  The leaders are:

  1. Ready to be involved and part of transforming the city for future generations… and they want more people included,
  2. Proud of the city and its strengths… and they feel a sense of urgency to capitalize on these strengths now, not later,
  3. Impressed with the progress made by the city and Mayor… and they want more done to communicate the progress with people across the region,
  4. Expecting to be strategic partners for action… and they want to have input on the vision, mission, strategic priorities, action plans, and implementation, and
  5. Glad there is a well organized collaborative process being used… and they want to be sure that it stays efficient, continuous, and lasting.  

You will find a summary report of the session output at the link below. The report provides a summarized details of comments, questions, voting, etc., that were gathered at the tables.

Moving Forward – Next Steps

We will be engaging a variety of stakeholders over the next months. Our structure allows for a variety of ways and time commitments (see team structure here):
  1. Hold FoT Design Team Session (July).
  2. Invite More Leaders to FoT (July).
  3. Hold an Emerging Leader Sub-Group Session (Aug).
  4. Hold a Repeat “Data” FoT Working Session (Aug 14 10am to 1pm – Location TBA).
  5. Hold Full FoT “Vision & First Steps” Working Session (Sept 6 10am to 1pm – Location TBA).
  6. Hold Full FoT Team “Support and Implementation” Working Session (Oct).

What is the Future of Toledo Initiative & Team?

The FoT initiative is utilizing a collaborative process to bring all the leaders, stakeholders, and citizens together from the Toledo region.  Our purpose is to build a better tomorrow, today.  In short, we helping to stabilize our city and region, so we can focus on the long-term opportunities. Our first phase is to connect leaders from across the region – established and emerging leaders.  The second phase will be to reach out to the broader community of citizens and stakeholders.  To be a part of the team a person must have a “can do” attitude about the future of our city and region.

Who are the Team Leaders?

Mayor Bell has asked Jeannie Hylant and Don Harbaugh to co-chair the FoT team. They are working with a design team to help ensure the collaborative process is efficient and the meetings are a worthwhile use of everyone’s time.
Rose Toth Gallardo & Aaron Baker are co-chairing the Emerging Leaders sub-group.  This group is addressing three questions:

  1. What do they need in order to be successful?
  2. What can each member do to contribute meaningfully to FoT?
  3. What steps are needed in order to engage the Emerging Leaders to stay with FoT for the long-term?


  • Future of Toledo Transformation RoadMap & Team Structure Chart – Click Here
  • Future of Toledo Strategic Plan V3.0 – Click Here
  • Invited to the FoT Team.  If you want someone invited, please send an email to

View Current Invitee List – Click Here