The youth commission promotes and facilitates an environment of youth that nurtures and enhances and development of youth which may assist youth to reach their full potential and enable them to function in a multicultural society by educating youth through programs, forums, and forming collaborations with other youth agencies in the City of Toledo.
The City of Toledo Youth Commission Board members gathered for a workshop at One Government Center On February 2, 2013. Fifteen board members were in attendance, which included thirteen adult members and two youth members. The purpose of the workshop was to determine projects for 2013 that benefit the area youth, and to clarify the process to complete these projects. Executive Director RosaLinda Contreraz welcomed the members and they started what turned out to be a very productive day.
View the meeting slideshow at:
The board members completed a series of exercises to draw out their shared insight. The workshop began by having the members reflect on on the importance of the workshop and share their answers. Next they talked about times when they witnessed youth, and adults, working together in a positive “successful” way, and used these stories to create a picture of what works. These discussions helped to inform the board members while brainstorming project ideas to accomplish the Youth Commission goals ( Projects for 2013 were developed from the brainstorming session, and those in attendance voted for the ideas they believed would work. Finally teams formed around the newly created projects, and a roadmap for completion was drafted by the teams.
View the full report at: