Written by a Bob Moyers  (a.k.a. Mr. Happy), President/Founder Positive People Partners

Once upon a time, God created each one of us in the image of God. We were created in the image of God to love, care, listen, encourage, and forgive one another; to tell the truth, to be happy, be healthy, be humble, and give time to one another; to ask good questions, give good answers and pray for one another, and to control our words, admit our shortcomings, trust God, and be like Jesus each day.

 With this in mind, the Positive People Partners and Center Of Unconditional Love decided to write two versions of a Be Healthy Plan and give copies of the plan to as many people as possible in celebration of our 8th National Forgiveness Day (Saturday, Oct. 26, 2013).

With this in mind, we have tried to communicate with the leaders of FOT to ask them to help distribute one or both versions of the BHP (see attachments) to as many families as possible in Toledo and Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan on or before NFD and to forgive others, ask for forgiveness, and forgive ourselves.

 As of this day our communication with these leaders has not produced positive discussions, positive actions, and positive results.

 We are called by God to be like Jesus to everyone we meet, see Jesus in everyone we meet, and teach others how to be like Jesus by our thoughts, words, and deeds.

 I would be honored to have the two versions of the BHP and the National Forgiveness Day information read, reviewed, discussed, and action taken by the powers that be. I would be honored to speak to any audience of your choice. I would be honored to have anyone become members of our organization.

Positive People Partners www.unconditionallovelive.com

2013 8th National Forgiveness Day

2013 Be Healthy Plan For Families

2013 Be Healthy Plan For Positive People

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